Hi everybody,
This is the place where I would like to introduce myself to all of my site visitors. Well, my name is Robert
and as of now I am 40 years old.I will not go into details about my life, because what is important here is why am I building this site. And the reasons is pretty simple.
I have been interested in everything that is related to air rifles for a long time now. And I would simply like to share my thoughts and knowledge on these things with others.
You see, when I first found out about air rifles there was little information available. As you might understand it made it difficult to make the decision on choosing my first air rifle.
As time went by I collected great experience and after I understood that I now know relatively a lot about air rifles I started to think about something like this.
And here we are, I have managed to do exactly what I wanted. This site and the information that is posted here is intended to give you all the help you might need.
I believe you can really find some helpful reviews and tips here. So that your experience with air rifles would be noting but great.
If there is however something that you could not find here you can feel free to write to me and ask. I will try to find the answer to whatever you need when it comes to air rifles.
I know from my now experience that owning a high quality air rifle can be both useful and fun. It all depends on you.
Just remember, that you have to be careful at any times when holding the gun in your hands. Even if it is an air rifle it still is a gun.